jueves, 20 de agosto de 2015

Theory of Everything

A theory that can explain everything, and that explains where common sense has a clear and easy to understand, that it is likely that one has to pay attention to what is said or expressed on the subject matter, right?

What then will describe covers all concepts that until today have not been understood completely, and although there is progress in this respect, these have not been sufficient or tend to still leave many things without being explained.

The easiest way to explain the things that one human being reaches understanding throughout their existence, is the observation of nature as a whole, but still more important than that, I have explained the same for any of our brothers throughout our evolution as a species, clearly implying that I mean the scientific and philosophical development among other items already accepted by the different branches of contemporary human knowledge.

To begin with what I say and explain the easy and simple way, it's like we use simple terms to assimilate and concepts commonly used or already widespread knowledge among most of us.

On the subject that I want to develop, try to explain how everything that has always been without a reasonable understanding or will meet in the best way possible, any intrinsic behavior of nature, in relation to their behavior from the smallest of its composition, to the incredibly large which is in the depths of the universe, which is also part of it; that would be the first concept to understand in theory that tries to explain everything that nature as we understand it today, it must extend their cognitive bases, into atoms, as this is the first essence of how should we understand, as we can explain as we understand, all that and more or less has been found, and that this widespread awareness of your surroundings and setup, including the ends of the expansion of the universe; all that is nature.

And if nature has a beginning and that this principle has a theory more or less already accepted by most scientists that support based on findings or data holding and constantly bring to their base to make it more like how accepted to describe how nature works, then it is a good means by which to keep walking, or at least take ideas to supplement what one on your own can be deduced based on their general knowledge of the subject, because any human being enough understanding or ability to reason enough to understand concepts in tough appearance, you can try to find new ways to weave what we already know, ideas are always a source of fresh water to try to quench the thirst of us humans, in our almost infinite need to understand how nature works to describe and even copy it in all its aspects.

So this is how I understood as a concept can fit in all ways to describe the nature and functioning at the ends of its formation and that this data can broadly fit all or most of the concepts They have been half or without reasonable explanation.

As we know nature has a development and evolution as established by the scientific community in its different branches and disciplines responsible for giving order and understanding, but in one way or another always something missing.

I began to see how it could contribute something to that description of it, or at least try to find out why there always seems to lack something in our understanding and analysis; truth and you realize why scientists struggle to find answers, and the closer they are to find something, the more difficult the situation to try to understand It does cause this type of operation, or because it is.

One way I started looking for answers, is hearing what is not understood or explained at all, and as I have a number of years, that was a source of inspiration as it were to start with a topic that is quite difficult to understand, even for those who seemed to explain it better than all, as Albert Einstein for example, as the considered time as a significant part of our understanding of a more complete and logical nature.

Trying to understand the concept of time, it is paramount as it is one of the forms and basis for correctly understanding the universe.

For me the time, once you really understand, and boy does it is difficult with so many ways to describe it, is a good basis for understanding the overall behavior of the universe, so the discoveries of Albert Einstein become even more important, both relativistic quantum physics, such as general, besides the cosmological physics.

Basically time is defined as the time between two events and also has the feature that is intangible but it is measurable or measurable.

The accepted perception until the early twentieth century was the concept: Absolute time, which was reported at the time Sir Isaac Newton. Where I try to explain why he considered this way of understanding our existence in measurable terms, as something that could not be changed by analysis and study on it, and that what happened was consistently in the past, this was the we were doing and the future does not really exist.

Then, years later, Albert Einstein relates the concept of space and time so that revolutionized theoretically understand it by Isaac Newton, although to be honest, had not crossed my mind that mr. Newton had been made to give an analysis of the concept of it, or what is the same, to me it occurred to me whether that concept, then I met the concept of absolute time other people once established the concept in my mind, I gave myself the task to check if anyone had thought like me, mainly on the web, and appeared about several issues, including that of Newton, but then, in name only, since it was not just in his understanding, so I must begin by the way I from my perspective understand it, is that by including a new concept I got from my reasoning based on the nature begins at the fundamental forces that amalgamate the matter and give support Mass, especially the first element is hydrogen, one concludes that it is the form most common sense that you may have occurred, in particular the absolute time of Matter, as space-time, we can understand how the matter itself whatever their nature. And in relation to what I found on the web, there was something, something that it was hard to believe.

And beginning with the first, the time from my point of view and based on the concept previously explained, also has a dual behavior, such as matter as we know it is spacetime, and this concept develops all that follows ; which means, and usually or almost always based on the way that Albert Einstein had the concept Time, where he places it in a geometric dimension greater, the fourth to be specific, but unified in the concept of three-dimensional space. Probably he assumed what I'm going to explain, but do not try to explain it or publish it, I think, and I would have to accept something that in principle had to leave for disposal.

I came to the conclusion that time is a difficult enough to understand, and to devote a lifetime to try to explain it properly and find real meaning (although I do not take much, but only heuristic aspect, cleared) and not merely a way of understanding the relationship you have two events together, by that of relativity, but I seek if that concept was more than a mental but necessary premise for the way we understand how to change it, because without measuring the passage of time, our mind would not keep or change that would store information in our understanding of this concept.

We have to understand that time is more important than an abstract idea in how to explain it, because if the universe and the nature obviously has a beginning, it is logical that there is also a beginning of time.

You might think that time itself is in matter and how it was formed at the beginning, where the matter was created, because you have to accept that the matter before that time, there was, then there was at that time no existing universe, and although there are theories which say that the universe has always existed, and that after its expansion will need to shrink and so an infinite loop of times, we must accept that if the matter is not created nor destroyed as it is accepted the first law of thermodynamics, the loop shape of the universe in their behavior, is the most logical, but it is not the most accepted as you know, by the implications that have tested the hypothesis opposite the expansion - end, where the universe ended up in an infinite blackness due to the generalized entropy (second law of thermodynamics) therein and involution, but you can always contribute something about it.

These theories in concept, they say that the matter was created, as for the theory of Big Bing, the universe begins at a point so very dense matter and as small as the tip of a pin, just to say something, that same density eventually gave in and then began the expansion of the universe; obviously here tells us that the matter was already, not that it was created, then the theories mentioned theoretically meet the first law of thermodynamics, right?

But the doubt is always and where did that tiny dense point of matter spoken of this theory? One ends by understanding that a Big Crunch, no more !!!

Then the correct theory is that the universe has always existed, so that the first law of thermodynamics is fulfilled, this leads to understand that the Big Bing is the same as the theory of eternal universe, only with strange behavior (Universe Auto Roller?) Auto or symbiosis of these theories, which must be supplemented for a better understanding of it.

But as I said, the question always remains, Whence came that matter? Because our scientists the only thing that seems to focus is the way things work, but it seems they do not want to know where they come from, at least that feeling gives

Is not this clearly a conjugation of human knowledge against knowledge of the origin of matter in the universe?

A real way to understand the principle of the universe, is to keep in mind that the matter carries in its transformation and evolution accumulation time (displacement and transformation of matter, in the field and its evolution to go where that event.) Which necessary for beings like us are developed to understand and precisely what we do at the moment, try to understand.

But that would accept an apparent manipulation to understand that they can give the necessary things to happen such conditions. Although you can also think there is so much matter in the universe, that the match can also be a factor that would support the theory that matter need not be manipulated to form life and later evolutionary and sentient beings like us humans, just to mention a possible intelligent species in the universe.

But understanding the concept of time is what makes it essential in this new way of understanding nature, it is in fact based on that understanding, to come to reason a true beginning of everything, and no apparent already existed all, who nevertheless accept an eternal universe, is to accept that invariably had a way of being created, and it was given such feature, the eternal or self-renewing, or not?

However the Time in any theory is necessary, because as I mentioned is essential to the understanding that the matter is an evolution towards more complex as we know forms, and in comments later he understood because it is the basis of my theory of matter with a beginning, the beginning of time in our universe.

The place and time where we are as living beings, is always present, and that is how our mind feels or perceives around with your senses, but what if I told you that these temporary events that we perceive are not as the present at all, that the real present, from the point of view of the concept of space-time coordinates, travels at the speed of light.

Let me explain how I came to the conclusion that all of us travel in the universe near the speed of light, and not misunderstood, I specifically mean that, to travel near the speed of light, but that, I have to remind them that all the universe is made in this matter, including us.

We all have the ability to imagine what will explain, others up to check almost immediately, but in practical terms, be a new way, at least for those who understand me quickly, others take them a little more reason it but the result should be the same, otherwise how to understand time. I know that sounded very fancy, but it will not. This is the explanation.

Thinking about how everything we do or fail to do affects how different our behavior and especially as we learn from that experience, and wanting to retrace those steps left in the past, apparently still there, at least in our memory, and trying to understand the implicit concept seems to be recorded as the time, I based on a mental exercise and started back on that time line, say a few minutes in the past, and no matter how I continue trying to get to that moment, the time is traveling to any apparent direction, and in my mind I always thought I had to have one correct way to understand that, because the path that apparently leaves my body and its image in others, seems to be always on one direction, once past some action or measurable time, for example the simple act of observing something.

The most logical thing is to think of a video recording is as close to what the past tense is just as magnetic tapes, or electromagnetic or electronic memories do in appearance, but because for us is the best way to understand that, and I will not get into as electromagnetic devices record, as it would seem, especially in the magnetic tapes that record the time in the right way as we recognize, but, and here's the "but" it is not for our universe, since these tapes recorded "two-dimensional" images, which means that record in part what "observed" or capture, so we have to think in three-dimensional aspect of our existence, since That way it is easier to explain the rest.

Our universe is composed of matter, although we understand geometrically as we perceive in magnetic tapes, and all possible guesses which can relate this apparently linear geometry of time, and seemingly with every step or measurable time that passes, it seems that going in the negative direction of the apparent geometry, but doing a mental analysis, is just that, an abstract representation of time as we have always understood.

I must also include a concept already known to science, but for most people is not known, or very little understanding of the concept.

And I will be based on an example; as we all know, the time we used to wake and sleep, is regulated by the way we use the rotation of our planet, because usually we ignore our biological clock, and tells us to rest for the night and our occupations during the day, it is not necessary to go into detail, for obvious reasons.

But by using different types of schedules, we are left in the mind, so does the universe, which is not true, time is the same for the whole universe and try to imply and of course check, at least rationally if we use the time that is conceptualized from the beginning of the universe, the Big Bang, then it follows that no matter how the universe is expanding, always carries in its front part, the true universal time, and at some point in the foremost part, it was created our planet, obviously with all the others that he is included.

But I must say that our planet formed not with the passage of the foremost part of the beginning of time and the universe, but all that is left behind and that evolves to create stars and others resulting from the evolution itself of these stars have the same time the border of the universe, or what it is the same, the material of which are shaped us, is the same age of the universe (well, based on the foregoing, it is obvious to think that matter It is older than the same space of the universe, and not include the time because this was already when the matter was set from the fundamental forces that transform, recently described the Higgs field, but we must surmise that the space is given when mass occupying a place in that space, right ?, dilemma would have more to do with the concept of what causes the gravitation that space, so at first there was no space where it should be (Gravitation -Inercia <matter>) - Time, when the expansion begins after by other causes also infer from this, this happens to become space-time as gravity-inertia becomes intrinsic to the space occupied by a mass in it and that is tangible-measurable), but that was organizing and evolving in its current form and as we understand it, that is the time when universal and absolute terms, but nothing to do with the concept of Isaac Newton, only the name.

Now, the deduction that I do in reference to my appreciation of this concept is that, our present, once traveling to the past, I have to tell you it's not as recorded magnetic tapes or something as he explained, what we know as last time, going in the direction opposite to how the light is reflected from the point of view that detects the projection source, this traveling permanently in that direction, and will be perceived by that receiver that you get in any way he can perceive, can be weakly or entirely, this being only one aspect of what is the limit of the capacity of perception, as it is image can fractional or full the potential recipient depends on the views relative to both references.

It clarified a little above, it is like saying that the relative manner in which Einstein described time only applies to beings evolved matter that may be perceived that way over time, as it were so, they understand it as a delay of the same due for that matter organized denser, has its place in that space-time, the delay explained by the general theory of relativity, especially to variations in the rate of appreciation of it, but not to the same evolution of matter, which at the subatomic level of "existence and transformation" it is older than the universe and still evolving at the time you read this letter.

Then both concepts of time coexist, but only when there is "who" the measure or understand, and for obvious reasons is serving us to better understand the universe is relative, but only for matters evolved into more complex forms, and that this level of matter continues to accumulate that time began to conjugate when they began to transform the fundamental force that began in the particles, then in power, followed by No Barons and what follows it, and then in material to the initial configuration of protium, just to give an idea.

Since this time I do an analogy, not to misunderstand the concept of dimensions that I do, for me the dimensions are not material and geometric descriptions, at least in the first place.

This is as follows: Universe = Dimension; Universes = Dimensions . To be clear.

And roughly explained that point, I will talk phase of time itself.
As we know the time from our point of view has three phases already known to us, we call past, present and future, how they were assigned these names does not matter now because it is history.

Well, as I said in the beginning, this travels at the speed of light.

Our mind in its understanding "creates" a concept which makes sense to use as well we live that way, and obviously its stages which are known to the majority, as I mentioned, are: Present, Past and Future.

I always put the present as a main component, because that weather is where we see the universe, then, on which we can locate easily, and what we have to do, think or pass, that stage or weather We constantly reaches almost imperceptibly to us until you can guess who live in the immediate past, right ?; the future is something that is very similar to the past but in practical terms can be changed, if you have information, but do not go into the details of how I can leave that for later.

If we are made of matter, leaving aside the complex organization in which we as human beings are, and only based on the same evolution of matter, and in that time evolution is taxed, as would our minds in the way we understand it, we can say that the time for us to also be the matter carries within itself, because thinking in the opposite direction, would like to think we live in a very, very distant past, and we constantly We are moving away from the present, where the material recorded his evolution itself, we would similarly as astronomers see galaxies "get away" from us and would be time, or that's how apparently understand from the relativistic point of view, both cosmological and perceptual.

That is contrary to logical reasoning, since this question arise: How is it possible that matter evolve and transform the speed of light or nearly that fast, and we who are comprised of the same material, have almost synchronously , a totally different at the same time?

Is it because we do not perceive this apparent speed in our bodies, and in its organization toward more complex shapes and structures, matter carries a cumulative delay ?; but not for years, decades, centuries or millennia and millennia of that delay, but only a percentage of the time that I consider all, which is that we do not perceive or did not use because we accumulate delays in the same due to the structural complexity from the atom-molecule, border delays which continues to accumulate the more complex the molecular organization of matter, and is what we look like, plus it works for our understanding of how the universe works from the point of relative time , as it has been proven.

If so, how much percentage below the speed of light we are talking not realize the fact that we can see the universe as we know it?

Difficult to understand ?, maybe, but with the concept that I have explained above it is easy to understand, and stating that I am seizing on the current data, do not think that's going to invent any new data that would not be correct, what is new is the way I explain it to them.
The data that I'm worth are simple, such as limit function (calculus), our perception of the present, and the constant speed of light.

If one human being has some homework, and use that general knowledge, this information can be of great help to deduce things, many.

How to integrate them is this: The limit function as we study abstract and geometric forms a concept that tells us that we can never really get to an element, or so to speak, to touch it, because there will always be other objects or parts of it that stands between the range and value of their function, for the simple fact of being a calculus or whatever it is, is a division, but from the point of view of the pre calculus and calculus, this tool is very useful but it's just to support our conclusion does not mean that that the same (function) are all self-explanatory, but it is a deductive advantage to be able to use that knowledge, since this time, has thus function, and clarified, only the form, time would range Absolute and relative time would function, or vice versa as dimensionally appreciate.

An example is like when you turn to see someone, anyone thing or object, and what you see is performing some action or at rest, which is left in the path of his view, this image at the time is detected by you, already belonged to the past, although you are in the present, apparently, the same action you performed by observing what he perceived, also traveling in the direction of that person, thing or object, whether that's what detects to you or not, that's just on the views.

What does matter is that you have to consider is that these images we project, time travel, taxed similarly to magnetic tapes do so, but the difference is that these recordings are projected in front of us, and not only from the front of us, but from inside our matter, are the processing and storage of that change of matter itself.

The means by which nature uses to record the time as it were, Matera is the same, no electromagnetic out as we use it.

The matter, as it evolves from its formation combined with the forces that govern it (and we do not know yet) is running a series of steps that will determine its composition and evolutionary architecture, the subsequent bonding with other elements to molecular compounds and then more complex structures like us, that at the level of its existence, it stores all the information it carries its own time, is what brings us back to the time when we make an action, such as to see this video.

This has led me to the way we have to think now what is the time, and deduct by projecting our ability to perceive different sources of analysis, which are available for everyone, which I will discuss in time.

If you stop to think, using the above example, that when you speak to a person, this action you do want to call attention to that person, when this react to his call, all this action you performed, and belongs to the past (this time on), and when that person reacts to his words or sounds, the same action back, also belongs to the past when you perceive it, but to understand it better, we would have to enter the subatomic universe (where is the absolute time), but the concept is that we perceive everything, about what this really is, the barrier of the speed of light.

I mean, in our actions in life, we are never in the real present, only about very, very close, but that concept we have to understand what follows.
Now the speed of light as we know is a universal constant, most understand that this proved his consistency in both forms by scientific or empirical evidence, and that can not be penetrated by the matter of our universe, but is at that limit where the subject matter of which we are all shaped, has a real neighborhood where everything is as it seems and are all that should be, because that's where the real present time.

For when we perceive this apparent, it is only a memory in the subatomic universe, and that was which led me to conclude that we live very close to this, but not in that period of time, we would have to live in this micro universe see reality and what it truly means to be in this (would travel in time, into the future).

And from the cosmological point of view, where the immensely great is exactly the opposite of the subatomic universe, we see traces of that move at the speed of light, such as galaxies at the edge of our local universe, which according to measurements are over 15,000 million of these galaxies to be analyzed by these instruments, especially analyzing the spectrum of light in its entirety light years, to give a figure, and lets us see a redshift of these galaxies, and physical mathematical analysis, they determined that "away from us" nearly the speed of light, other approaches, and even that this is a factor to take into account the unification of theories, both relativistic and quantum .

This shift of galaxies leads me to conclude that the view is only on the points to be measured (intrinsic behavior of the density), because if we think for example in the same possibility for a civilization in one of these distant galaxies, and that we are what they are moving towards the red, then who of the two is moving near the speed of light?
Amazing !, truth (Imagine that this is literally traveling near the speed of light, but clarifying, not equal, and can not perceive this fact).

We also by an intractable fact, our bodies are a different entity of the universe in which we move, because it seems not to have important information that can be used to develop other concepts from the "simple reason", since no It deepens in this sense, a more accurate analysis of how we actually move in our universe, but the universe begins within our atoms and from there to the edge of the universe's expansion.

Based on the above, we assume that our journey through the universe, is so quiet you can think of it as placid as a break on Sunday, but nothing is further from the truth analogy to think that way, because the matter of our bodies is as old as is the hydrogen itself and its evolution from the Big Bang that gave birth to the universe theorizes that try to explain, and it is in this eternal journey that we are beings of matter as we are.

And based on current cosmological theories of the motion of the galaxies, it takes a lot more important than the simple fact that we do not feel a real shift in our bodies, knowing that we are part of all these cosmological systems, but did not feel, but I think I do that analysis had not taken into account as a basis for understanding from another perspective of how time works to the dimension level or universal (Absolute Time).

Then I gather, that depends on factors of force such as gravity, that without going into an explanation of time because I only know the basics, buts enough to use that tool, it is what gives those pulling force that make galaxies reach the barrier of the speed of light, also based on what I described to him space it was after gravity-inertia <field> and then space <gravity-inertia> -time.

And then comes the most simple, if we take into account we moving us in the universe near the speed of light, the apparent expansion of matter at or near the speed of light, it should be evident in measurements, but this undetected, since we ourselves are not expanding, ¿novelty?

Once explained, you can say: No, it can not be that simple, is not it, or is it true?

 But it can be that simple.

So what happens ?,

Why not use all the energy of the universe, just to think?

Or even to know that we are interacting in a galaxy billions of light of other years, and apparently see us move near the speed of light?

Using the example of relativistic physics in which depending on the appreciation that have two observers, with different variables, and specifically to its inertial movement, where one is traveling near the speed of light, and the other is an inertial force zero, one must understand, based on what they explain, and that this time travels at the speed of light, and the apparent increase in mass to infinity by the need infinite energy to exert a force required to accelerate the inertial mass to the same speed of light in an apparent result of the calculations obtained, this mass should be increased in volume each other from the point of view of the observer of lower speed, but that alone was perceptual appearance.

What I concluded is that in the perspective of having the slowest point of reference, that happens, or it looks; in reality the one with the view that travels at the speed of light, does not perceive that its mass is expanded, plus time stopped for him, in view of that it does not move, the mass if it moves, seems to expand infinitely in opposite to the direction of travel of that if you move address and returned to him to explain them above all continue on our planet in our galaxy in our local universe.

The difference between the speed of light and the apparent acceleration that makes the object to be measured in the example of relativistic physics, is not entirely true, but perhaps it would be if we did not include more than the compliments, but if we do not include that complement to this expansion were true, one would have from the universe and ourselves, we were in complete rest or our position in the area of ​​the universe where we found ourselves at the time, you should have a zero inertial module, or total displacement from zero m / s, just to give a figure of acceleration.

As we know, this not works in that way, so it makes me think that we have not increased our masses to infinity, ¿novelty?

We are proof that it does not happen.

It leads us to believe, then what is wrong? Because the calculus clearly demonstrates that infinite need of matter.

To my understanding, and what is different in my explanation, it is the way we understand our universe; geometrically.

In part it is proven that it is right to follow the "way" in which nature is composed and organized but we never used as a basis to matter, because the time to give a true connotation UNIVERSE, provided firstly, take into account what it is made of matter.

But what follows is also very important: I inferred from the above and that the universe is matter, then the metal conception of what the dimensions should also be understood as that: Dimension of matter or third dimension of matter.

So this leads to the following: UNIVERSE = Third Dimension.

If we follow and as described above, the matter takes an evolutionary process as us, and in that process, as this is leaving us behind in their travel to the past, despite the redundancy, then and only then is easy to understand what continues to try to explain almost everything, because this and many deductions can be obtained from this first I did:

The PRESENT TIME travels at the speed of light.

Matter has in its evolution and transformation the real time of the universe, the absolute, which is the same time in the universe.

Weather explained in the General Theory of Relativity and relativistic time, left alone to the appreciation of the evolutionary and sentient beings as human beings are what because it is the form of our behavior and understanding nature, from our perspective and current understanding the third dimension, this may be progressive until the establishment of universal or absolute time for accurate understanding of the universe-dimension.

From this we can say that: The expansion of the universe takes on its border while the subatomic matter inside.

Next, the time of the matter is the same in any part of the universe, even of the residual matter and transformed into energy.

Thus our reality is only a few moments below the actual present, which is the speed of light itself.

The atoms of which we are composed, have evolved from the beginning of the universe, some remain protios, at least to interact with other protios to form new stars or are killed by another type of transformation, like the familiar; others have evolved in the other elements of which are composed our molecules and their subsequent evolution into organized cells, but basically, all elements subsequently formed by the most massive stars remain in their protios inside, leading to correctly say They have the same time you have the universe, but are evolved until the last element in the periodic table due to these changes (or needs?) apparently "forced" which has the nature to evolve primordial matter. (Rather, they seem intrinsic to create beings like us needs, although this would have connotations of engineering and advanced architecture to achieve the ultimate, that's just my opinion, but for me, as it should be)

Therefore and stressing, our reality is only a few moments below the actual present, which is the speed of light itself. (Limit function).

It follows, that we matter to be formed, but in a more structured and more complex, we took a backlog because of the organization of matter, as he had planned.

In addition to the time in the universe, matter organized in space systems, such as galaxies and clusters of local galaxies, like ours, another difference accumulates over time, but which accumulates in numerical terms, is imperceptible to we.

This confirms that understand the present time is the same as the speed of light, but can also include the actual form of our existence, is similar to the function that determines the expansion of the material by the reasoning theory of general of relativity, of which it is possible to deduce that, you can replace that relativistic reasoning by the way in which we are appreciating real time, or put another way, instead of using that function to explain the expansion limit mass to infinity, you can set similarly, that same understanding how they traveled from the actual present or mass, until such time that we as people perceive, since to reach the real present, we should achieve literally the speed of light, and to achieve this, is stop time in real terms, as would travel literally "frozen" so to speak, in the course of this, it is only a projected gripped the immediate past image and consecutively the past in all its true expression, but you must understand that this image is only an analogy that would stop time, as it literally would disappear for which perceive we reach the speed of light, but is due to called wave collapse which apply to the mass to reach that speed or limit the speed of light, but also here is to understand that the called wave collapse is due to the interaction of the transformation of matter into energy, and most importantly, It is due to a change in dimension, which I will explain shortly.

Consequently, the past is in our understandings constantly, almost perceive it as the present, but in practical terms is the immediate past, as if we lived in the present, could not perceive the movement of things, how it works the universe mechanically in our dimension, then by force, nature seems to know that we need the delay in the perception of real time, to develop beings with consciousness and intelligence, so they can precisely perceive how the universe works, otherwiseWe would always be entropic matter transformation. It seems clear smart "manipulation" by the Nature Looking novelty?

By understanding such a concept leads us to the following; if the speed of light, is time itself, then time must have characteristics of both corpuscular and wave, and it would be a mere abstraction measurable only for human understanding, to a fully accessible to the third dimension or geodesic matter, then it can be deduced heuristically that has characteristics of quantum paradox, that interacts with matter in our dimension, but to love her detect tangibly, is only measurable but intangible, though clearly left its mark on the same evolution matter, and setting an example ourselves, since we are satisfied as to the aging embryos as persons, so to understand how it interacts with matter in our dimension, as does the matter of overlapping states.

We can also include an analysis of the concept of matter and space, since in general terms, as already explained, it is the same, and even in space itself, it seems that there are more empty than matter, it is not so at all, and it has proven that what is apparent emptiness, is only a concept without a conclusive explanation or actually accepted, which means that apparent darkness is only that, apparent, but does not mean that in our dimension is exactly like what I will describe to it in parallel to our universe, especially trying to understand how is what most scientists think should be the nature of the dark void and cold call dark energy and dark matter altogether.

And returning to ordinary matter, we can make an analogy with the way the atom is organized, because the electron and the nucleus of atoms, would the apparent same concept, there are more gap between them that matters, which also It is conclusive but it is already understood and accepted that this is the electromagnetic force (Strong Force) that holds atoms together, and which is accepted as the best way to understand the moment.

And making a mental journey, leaving the orbits of electrons in apparent his nearly empty universe, especially for hydrogen, we can understand that based on the accepted reasoning and almost checked, the way in which the elements were created from the beginning of the universe or the Big Bang, we can set the start at that moment, without going into details of that home, that matter and time are synchronized and since then traveling by tracing a path parallel displacement in spherical expansion, which They are geodesically at all points of this area regardless of the variations of this expansion, and the farthest edges of the universe today.

The analogy is this instant I see inside the atom as a basis for the understanding of time itself, is because that simple understanding, leading to link any way to explain what is meant by the third dimension as such and after I just mentioned is almost straight deduce that follows in this new concept of time and dimension.

This led me to conclude that the time is more than just a measurable and intangible coordinate, if not described and may even affect the same behavior of our universe and that in trying to locate how can directly affect our universe is we based on the concept of the same duality of matter, as if the matter makes up to some extent the space where we are all in the universe is not only ordinary matter, we know that time is its annex concerning the evolution of the same.

We understand that the matter in its internal evolution, is a behavior that is vibrating or corpuscular, or vibrating, very close to the limit of the speed of light or the speed of light photons and specific, and based on the concept representations that photons are massless behavior that energy released from the same material, and that these photon energy quanta themselves must establish some form of barrier speed of light, for obvious reasons, since without the light we would know nothing of the universe, or perhaps even we would be necessary or not would determine things at this time, in the way we understand the universe at the moment, we can deduce based on these two concepts, that time is recorded in the same evolution of matter, and that everything that we consider the element hydrogen or protium, should be responsible for recording everything resulting from this evolution of matter that has not been transformed into residual energy in the evolution of the universe from its universal beginnings to the present day. Perhaps the residual power left in the empty space is part of the dark energy that scientists mentioned, and in that residual materials processed form of electronic information also finds of the past and how our universe evolved so far, clear if we use a paradox of quantum physics to the superposition of states, as it is used to store information such overlap, such as in laboratories qbits do now. Perhaps the universe does that to record time and evolution itself "natural" way. Maybe, and if it were true I would call Universal Wide Web or Universal Network Computing.

Mankind, throughout its history, follows a path relative time, but last not travel in the direction behind us, but with everything we do, think and whether they act in some sense or not, that action leaves an imprint on the past permanently indelible, once made, is integrated into the transformation of matter of which we are part, is the way of the speaker, the direction in which the image projected by all, are the fact that taxes matter and are directed in front of us by the path of the light energy or photon, which is what gives us the address of that path, not behind us, and knowing this, the three-dimensional geometric references are just on the point of view of the perceiver time.

You would think that when watching an image as a picture, a video, or even an artistic portrait as a painting is like watching the past, only figuratively that's real, just as you would or describe the geometry, but I hope you explained, change your way of seeing the art and heuristic and deductive understanding, time.

Third Dimension.

It is the reality of an inertial and gravitational system where we exist, that is the space-time itself.

Now with the previous base we can explain better what is the third dimension, which we know we have the brainy idea and way of explaining almost uniquely without changes in that sense, because that has always taught, and even new concepts that apparently reflects nature that sacred geometry, makes it obvious to think that concept as the correct, proper and unchangeable by any other idea or concept you want to replace, for example the revolution almost fractal understanding of nature, which it is the way nature is embellished, and that's good, because it was for our perceptual benefit, but mostly evolutionary.

Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies the properties of figures on the planes and the space itself, and to the use of physics, the study of forms in nature and movement paths or mainly as the force vectors and direction as well as the way they interact in that environment.

Well, this way of describing the interpretive concepts around us, through its analogous figures and their movements and possible trajectories interpretation is not sufficient to explain the third dimension, because if we consider that what we do now with that way of describing our universe, we are describing with these figures and forms only the concept itself of the dimension or superficial perception without really see that nature is not made figurative or observational aspects, the concept of geometry and classical physics if they are correct to describe what we see and above all help us to create things mentally, translate them and then use them as a basis for designing blueprints, engineering drawings, architecture or any other means of any science that uses the geometry is worth, to try to imitate nature.

But as I explained briefly, since it will be understood that the matter should be the basis of this first understanding of the understanding of the universe-Dimension (third dimension), and on that basis can be explained as follows:

The concept of three-dimensional space, although it is known that both mathematicians and physicists, who are constantly studying to understand in a more accurate, are based on established concepts to describe the space-time of our dimension, but Data have been obtained on the basis of this form of study, which are based on geometrical concepts, and that's the accepted way and followed by all scientists today, and that is based on already agreed concepts and even more, axioms and theorems especially mathematicians, and applications which you can use them the same geometric patterns emanating from those same concepts, they have helped to develop our civilization, so do any other reason than an analysis almost unacceptable based on simple and advanced geometry to develop our concept of what the three-dimensional space and time in its application, basically.

Our mistake is to understand the third dimension as something that should be understood in a disaggregated and composed of different dimensions concept (First Dimension X = Left and Right, Second dimension Y = Up and Down, Third Resignation Z = spatial projection of the foregoing) the mentally it can be done as a description of what actually is the third dimension, but you really have to understand that the description of one and two dimensions is just a concept, only serve to have a mental and intuitive projection of what the third dimension in geometric terms, understood as merely descriptive.

The geometry and physics (especially classical), are very important for their development into new forms of applications, but when you want to delve into concepts which involved the fundamental forces that govern the subatomic universe, or its counterpart, the cosmological forces; these fall short in his explanation when they want to determine certain characteristics which, though seemingly imaginable geometrically, these leave only superficially explained everything that wants to reason, and that leaves a void in the same reasoning.

And if you want to explain what by implication are other dimensions, things get worse, and you want to imagine the dimensions as more abstract geometric shapes, putting more coordinates perceived as three-dimensional, understanding or deducting heuristically that the higher dimensions should be a continuation of the geometric forms of the third dimension, and there are many example on YouTube, just to mention some of what I speak, on the way to explain the fourth dimension.

As I mentioned, there are already established in several ways the concept of dimensions, but my explanation can be regarded as new, but no new data have always been there, it's just interpret it differently, and I think that is correct to begin with, and of course, there is always a foothold to reach any conclusions with the data there, and this was explained by the concept of the present.

Recalling: Universe = Dimension.

First to understand the concept of third dimension is roughly this:

The true way to interpret the space-time dimension, which is where we live, is through matter, since nature is designed by subject, not drawings or abstract concepts, which as I mentioned are very useful for our technological, but not enough to really describe a physical dimension, as I constantly see that they want to describe the third dimension as something figurative, as something conceptual development, when the dimension itself is subject only.

And because they generally want to necessarily see the third dimension as drawable, that's where not enough for us to understand this simple deduction I gave them.
Naturally there is no first and second dimensions are only conceptual, nature does not need to conform our dimension, matter has always used, not a figurative model, and herein am not putting an Engineer and Architect of Nature itself , intuitively, it seems that is needed by force, and we try to do exactly that, with our figurative way of looking at nature itself and trying to copy him your designs with our inventions and how it works, at least as far as we can try to play God in a very small scale, but that's another subject.

The third dimension is matter, must be explained in this way: Space-Time, but above all understood and understood.

Nature obviously needs the first and second materials to form geometric dimension, consequently they are only subjective, measurable, abstract, but only that.

The tools we use are not enough, call any branch of mathematics or classical mechanics that want to describe, but there is one that is approaching its real study and interpretation of what the third dimension and concept, and Quantum Mechanics and Mathematics, which itself does not speak openly about it is the third dimension to that branch of mechanics.

Branches of science alluded to already have a description about the dimensions, and with names such as: elucídelo space, vector, topological and more in physics is like.

So we see the study of third dimension as something that has to be analyzed, albeit with some geometry and physical descriptive, in the case of giving a true concept, should be from the point of view of the matter, since no we are trying to invent the universe with figurative models, it is already designed, and is designed with matter.

Their geometric forms, especially fractals are your face, such as ours, or anything that can be represented by a drawing, more complicated and complex that we want to represent this concept, it is only a representation of nature, its intrinsic beauty, which is the final form of the material the way you organize and evolve over time.

And very important, especially not trying to invent the higher dimensions figuratively, since they must also be subject, for obvious reasons, and if not which come to your mind, then mention them repeatedly and describe what then.

Is not it easy to understand the concept?

There is nothing new, just not seen that way the description of our universe-Dimension, which by itself refers to understanding other concepts that were apparently insurmountable, but it will take shape. As the Hyperspace, antimatter, relativity, etc.

If you could understand and see in your mind that this way of describing the thing, and I mean like now we do, it would make a conscious being, and then translate them into drawings, carry them making what is now the universe we would by implication that nature is not just random, right?

A real analysis of the third dimension would include:
· What are the fundamental forces of matter and how it originated or where they come from?
· The sub particles which are formed by these fundamental forces.
The way these subparticles amalgamate matter increasingly, to achieve sufficient matter, as called sub particle.
· When they reach the mass level and be considered to form part of an atom?
· At what point were formed as atoms?
· What did you distribute a certain way in the universe?
· Why generate current fundamental force governing the universe?
· What is the time dimension?
· How intervening time in its initial structure and further expansion?
· How to set the universal constants or different?
· Why the same material of which is composed the third dimension, is a superposition of states in their behavior?
· Where do the fundamental force that gave rise to the particles neutral characteristics, since, due to its escaza presence in the universe seem to be the most capable of generating everything not central to the universe, heavy stuff, thus evolving beings and aware of their existence?
· How to set the matter the speed of light and because it must be so?
· If the material has a behavior Corpuscular-wave, then the third dimension as a whole is that feature?
· Because there is the Anti Matter, as was detected in the universe?
Why is there so much seemingly empty space in our universe-dimension?

And you can follow up with more concepts, which as you will realize, do not resemble what we now do the exact sciences with the understanding of the dimensions, in addition to checking that constantly I mention, the dimensions are not geometry, they are matter.

It is also true that these interpretations and questions that are preferred in a dimensional analysis, most are already under study and understanding, but they clearly are aimed at more abstract understanding, but in this abstraction that they want to assign, forgot to give instead on that understanding and therefore overlooked something very obvious, which is the most natural way to understand the whole, this resulted, as I see, a very large understanding of our universe backward, and most important to know that the universe and dimension are the same.

An example: A drawing can describe because our universe apparently is toward expansion which tends to gradually increase the rate of entropy in it, without apparently found a way to curb the increase of transformation of ordinary matter in residual energy ?

What can explain a bucket ?, Truth no, the only way would be to understand the behavior of matter and how they evolve.

Maybe once understood this, the only way we can "see" this understanding, explaining visually, could use the computers for that matter, now could intervene fractal geometry, just to give an example, to see that macroscopically event, not containing examples of subatomic particles as they are just that, examples intuitive, but based on the understanding of the subject.

The fourth dimension or Hyper primary universe, antimatter.

As already explained, the dimension is the universe itself, so heuristically can deduce that the higher dimensions should follow the same evolutionary pattern of matter of our dimension, so the fourth dimension should be the continuation of our dimension in some way.

But for this we include a still a bit more complex concepts, which must be included so that the understanding and specifically the fourth dimension, comes in a more natural way.

As I mentioned, the third dimension is matter, and based on this concept, we must look to the higher dimensions, and this should always be done because of starting with a geometric description, one would be seeing all fractally and so on.

One way to determine the nature of matter of the higher dimensions, is seeing the passages or data that gives us the intrinsic behavior of ordinary matter in our dimension, and specifically the behavior of superposition of states of matter.

Another way to better understand how matter in the universe, the cosmological subatómicamente as is the use we give the same behavior of matter, as the use of atoms to measure time more accurately, specifically the seconds, which also leads indirectly to conclude how it should interpret.

In practical terms: The third and fourth dimensions are not the geometry of our thoughts, because they are physical dimensions, are matter and antimatter must consider so that we can explain both dimensions.

We can measure the dimensions as we do now (mathematics, geometry, and any other description) but in practical terms, we must see the dimensions are actually matter, only that, the best measure is the quantum mechanics and relativistic mechanics, obviously use mathematics suitable for that purpose.

But pausing briefly and considering that the use of the geometric description in calculation, as an abstract concept is very useful use for values ​​and dimension data, this can be used to determine the vibrational frequency of the field, and by domain is the dimension that belongs and that is the range of vibration control, which determines the type of element which is formed. It is understood this concept when used in molecular modeling, such as water, because depending on its vibrational frequency, is the state in which their status is as liquid solid or gas, and also with the vibrational frequency of matter , molecules and what follows it up, is what our senses detect.

The subatomic universe, clearly made an omission of the first two dimensions, since all matter in the universe is three-dimensional. We can see it in many ways, so in our universe exists only that spacetime.

What I mean is that descriptive geometry is good to see, measure and describe "smaller dimensions" to the third, but from there, we must necessarily include the matter and its opposite to describe the fourth dimension, antimatter, which must be the same as ours, deducted from the paradoxes mentioned, which, besides being true riddles, are the answer itself. We have to include the laws governing the third dimension, in addition to interacting with the fourth, to launch should be the reverse of ours, and even may be many more than we imagine, because it seems that we lack many in our same size, that's what we have to understand.

Mental projections that are made from the fourth dimension, are just that, they may include more points of projection with geometric shapes, not really matter, are geometric figures pertaining to the third dimension and would be the same for the fourth.

Is the same as saying that the dimensional geometry does not exist or is only complementary, it is only an interpretation of how matter behaves, from the point of figurative for data view, but incomplete, if not first includes matter .

The strange dual behavior of matter, which seems to have no explanation as to physical and mathematical analysis has not been able to find why matter has that behavior, but heuristically we can realize that all the paradoxes of quantum mechanics such as the paradox of the double slit experiment of Schrödinger's cat, computer Qbits nesting, and other paradoxes involved in relativistic mechanics as the EPR paradox and quantum entanglement; all these paradoxes have the same problem, the dual behavior of matter or superposition of states of matter and (wave collapse).

Returning to the description of the present time, to equal the speed of light, and have a behavior superposition of states may place it in its real connotation as subatomic particle, but as such would be the photon for obvious reasons, but , appreciated in its actual operation, broadly encompasses all subatomic particles as such, then you can say it is the space itself: space-time. As it is known.

This would lead again to say that this correct appreciation understand the present time and the speed of light, or a right way to confirm it, since it has a behavior superposition of states, then the space also has a superposition of states to be the same subject, and if we consider the superposition of states should be the way the matter shows us both sides, then time must have two faces too. May not be the last, it can not be the future, as they are known in all three positions for one time dimension, and what remains is: The anti time?

This assumption is clearly deduced again, heuristic way, that what we are seeing in the superposition of states, is really a matter overlap with another, not just the same subject presenting both sides, and all our stuff is opposed : ANTIMATTER.

Corpuscular behavior equals Matter, Antimatter equal to wave behavior.

Could it be that easy?

It seems so, because if we include antimatter in the equation, everything starts to take an easier way to understand the behavior apparent duality of matter of our dimension.

This would solve the paradoxes of quantum physics and relativistic mechanics, would lead to a new understanding of how we should take into account that antimatter is more important than we think, because it would become part of our bodies including, though invisible to us, but why ?, Why can not perceive that antimatter is what is presented in this superposition of states?

My understanding and deduction, again heuristically, and knowing how we interpret our own dimension, that due to constant examples, and especially we rely on what the great minds of today deducted; not fail to see the dimensions and geometry, whether abstract, fractal geometry or complex form of the same geometry, which although is a correct way to perceive and describe it, the way we understand it is only superficial, and that prevents analyze the concept as a whole, because if we use the materials in everything related to the physical, invariably missing something, we'd have to flip at any time to the opposite of matter, as the valences and charges of matter itself equivalent needed to balance the same, obviously here fall squarely mathematical laws for proper explanation, especially loads and electronic valences of matter.

And resulting in what I consider clear evidence to prove that the fourth dimension is the opposite of the third are the paradoxes best known in quantum physics as I mentioned, I only do this as a reminder that the system is in a superposition of possible states until the observer intervenes, but if we analyze the paradoxes, a deduction is that matter and antimatter are constantly interacting and everything we see, to mention an experiment, like the double slit, the observable result is the corpuscular behavior of matter in our dimension because the interaction with the team trying to obtain data are subject of third dimension, and not antimatter, so this result is observed only, corpuscular, but this has only be observed wavelike behavior, physical properties of the fourth dimension and what is composed, antimatter. It is a window into the fourth dimension.

Would obviously use some mathematical descriptive model of the "symmetry" of matter, but using it to models or materials mass (matter and antimatter) and not for geometric symmetries, as I mentioned, but only partially work. First you must understand mathematical models for matter and subsequently used for descriptive geometric shapes such as surface analysis.

The most comprehensive way to describe and understand our dimension is what is made from the beginning of the expansion of the universe or the Big Bang: MATTER.

Once understood that the geometric form of understanding the dimension in which we are, passing second, but still important to be clear, but as a complementary form of all the initial description of the true concept of the third dimension, and let using drawings as the main tool to try to understand, as I said are useful but secondary.

If we explain to the material dimension, is easier to understand, the concept of superposition of matter and antimatter (and now I'm going to call it that) in the apparent charge exchange and valences, shows us the other side of our dimension, An anti dimension ?, of course not, we already know that time is the intangible tangible joint coordinate space (seen from a geometric analysis and secondary analysis, and analyze and explain that it is time for the matter), so we call , Space-Time.

Does this mean that there is no anti ?, and the response time for me again so deductive and heuristic is that no anti time as such, but starting with the third dimension, we must place the time without change such as Einstein stood as a coordinate (geometrical analysis) that really belongs to the fourth dimension, and then, using the rules of the polarity of the charges of matter and antimatter, we can understand that spacetime becomes tIME-sPACE, where if the speed of light is the same for this third dimension, then this in the fourth dimension must be anywhere in that space, because time is the same space, and space is anywhere in the universe, then there is no past or future, only the present.

But because time would have only one state, the present? Good at this we have to be based on a concept that is easy to understand: this dimension in our travels at the speed of light, and is also a universal constant which matter can be moved or accelerated as limit the displacement or acceleration, then the matter to reach that speed (of light: 300,000 km / s) reaches a time interval equal to zero, and zero in that interval, it is that the material changes its state, and literally reach this time (explained above), or what is the same, all you would see would be immobile, and would travel with that image that we reach through the universe or where that image is projected to reach, so the range is zero, and but we continue traveling in space as long as, for us time does not pass, by reason of achieving our actual present, which was the last planned by the refraction of light before reaching our ground speed of light image, it is easy to imagine mentally, but I know that interpose the concept of expansion of matter.

Recalling already accepted in relativistic physics, if we reach the barrier or constant speed of light, this should make us expand to infinity, which as we know is impossible because there is not enough matter in the universe that serves to generate such an infinite amount of energy necessary to accelerate certain amount of mass to match the speed of light. Obviously you can not.

But what if I told you that's not really happening, and that reasoning, though correct as I had mentioned, is only so to speak: An optical illusion. Of course, we know what I mean, or which detects the expansion apparent or who stands at rest or lower inertial module.
So what happens? Well, the intuitive and logical reasoning is to consider the same equation of the energy transformed into mass and vice versa: E = mc ^ 2

It is reasonable to think that instead of the mass expands to infinity, this is transformed into energy, says the same equation, and the expansion of the mass is only apparent, the same equation does not explain the expansion of the mass, otherwise the processing thereof, but transforming ordinary matter into energy and including the overlapping areas into the equation, where it is increasing and progressing the presence of antimatter as it approaches the speed of light, and a full presence, once reached the same, which would be a change in dimension and mass processing.

In the fourth dimension matter it acts inversely to normally see, because it consists mainly of antimatter and antimatter, which acts as a converter of time-space, so it was very, very important to understand the concept of time in the art, so as expressed happens once the speed of light, there is no time intervals or interval zero to 300,00 km / s is achieved.

And we base that increase in speed to the speed of light, as a way in which we understand how it drives some to accelerate and reach some final speed, that being the butt, which obviously says the same mathematical function , the infinite mass for conversion into energy and reach top speed requirement, but must include the mass in its transformation to energy, has the presence of antimatter in quantum entanglement thereof; Quantum entanglement of matter and antimatter. By including antimatter should result in an overlapping presence of materials, but like everything macroscopic aspects relate to not understand that the function itself must be understood from relativistic quantum mechanics.

The current use of fossil fuels as chemical propellants have limited us to this way of understanding the general theory of relativity, and from that point of view, it also limits other ways to understand or explore other ways to transform the mass, especially from how the same, corpuscularmente or vibration of low amplitude and frequency, and this behavior of ordinary matter in general, is the real way to understand how we should transform this mass into energy, or more efficiently it works because the vibratory rate of matter (Domain, geometric mass analysis) determines which dimension matter belongs extent that time and rank determines what type of material is in addition to its state at the time of measurement: solid, liquid , gaseous or Plasmatic as if a mass spectrograph, but vibrational frequencies rather than the frequency of light, which in practical terms are similar is used, but could detect more natural antimatter form because already measured Anti eg hydrogen and positrons are very ephemeral.

But we fall into the derivation of the expansion of the mass, for the simple fact that we keep measuring and watching as abstract forms from a geometric analysis, and that the apparent increase of the volume is that, literally a geometric expansion. But obviously reach the speed of light, it would be almost impossible for our understanding of how to speed up that speed mass.

Intuitively one can reason that we can not accelerate to the speed of light, for obvious reasons, because if that were the case, our subject would happen to a new state, obviously you can guess which, besides if the fourth dimension is made antimatter, there would be a mutual annihilation of materials. But it is precisely our lack of inclusion of antimatter in everything related to understanding the universe-Dimension, we just do not understand it in all its concept.

Then we would have two worlds, ours and the universe of antimatter or fourth dimension, as the matter that exists in our dimension is the same as in the fourth, just opposite, in their loads and valences, but equal in quantity characteristics.

But if we rely on the opposite, maybe it's the complete opposite of the distribution that has our three-dimensional universe, and I mean the way it is distributed precisely because of their burdens and valences, but I will explain below, with a theory that also comes out of what I explained.

Or is it the opposite in the amount of matter?

Only I put it as a possibility, and I do it based on a super symmetry mass for loads and valences, on the understanding that if the dimensions are opposite in mass, then also should be opposed in much the same, because as an official of the theory of general relativity and energy conservation in addition to the entropy in the fourth dimension. They should be totally opposed to the concept work? Maybe, but then, speak of what we know about our universe, would be totally upside down in that dimension, such as: dark energy would be ordinary mass, dark matter would be gas and intergalactic dust, and only a small percentage would "dark" energy and "dark", but would be completely contrary matter: Energy White and White Matter; but this is only a concept of analysis to understand a super symmetry for both universes, which speak more in detail near the end, but I need to suggest other processes that would matter to get to describe the same concept.

Of course, with this arise more and more questions than answers, but to integrate Antimatter in the equation, these also have a simpler way to understand and locate.

Antimatter is the fourth dimension as is the matter of the third.

So how they settled the matter, say anti hydrogen and hydrogen, and it does not affect us antimatter?

The Big Bang. Or "many" Big Bang's?

Well, deduction, and based on that we must clearly understand everything first from the point of view of matter and back in time, back to mind the Big Bang, others theory accepted by most cosmologists and most recognized today, but as I explained at the beginning, at the end cosmological theories literally has the same start and end (if one seeks Him clear similarities), and understanding that forcibly brought here two worlds and at least two Big Bangs or one for each type matter (although I also have deduced for other items, which also explain briefly), also if we follow the place of the subatomic universe and its components individually, I concluded that this principle should not have just two explosions, but must be by force of reason, have occurred multiple Big Bangs.

Invariably this analysis beginning, or rather, the start or restart of the universe as we know, whatever you want to see (basically the same thing), we understand by force, and that we must reason although it seems a taboo subject, the form when nature established as the best way to transform the primordial forces that shaped the matter (I do not say creation because it is "blasphemy"), because it seems that in our time, scientists are inquisitors and believers in God are heretics, and I mean precisely that, the creation of matter, but the explanation I give, maybe make them think more than twice that if you had to be so, or outright matter has always existed some unknown way, which if analyzed, it is exactly the same, Divine maceration, but in his mind there is no doubt about God or there is not for you, if necessary, leave it to their free will.

According to the theory Baryogenesis in the early universe, only they could turn on the hydrogen and helium (nucleosynthesis Primordial), as understood by the presence of these two isotopes and their relative abundance as the principal elements of the current stuff universe.

Then it arises in me a concept already accepted, but that has not been proven at all, and it is how the other elements were formed subsequent to the above ?, and I mean the original protios (protium and antiprotio) which has one of the basis of all other elements created naturally by the stars, and I mean the neutron particles.

For me it is the strangest of subatomic particles, which I will explain.

The real, thinking that led me to this conclusion neutron and that shaped complementarily to the understanding of the universe-dimension, is related to the presence of a certain isotope, which is the guide to the complementary understanding of the whole, and in terms many practical unify quantum and relativistic concepts.

It is known that hydrogen isotopes such as deuterium and tritium (particularly deuterium), were created in part, to say that all existing deuterium in the universe during the Big Bang and not in the stars, as mentioned in Genesis Bario, because in those first moments of the universe's expansion there would be no stars, only the constant progress of protium everywhere in the universe to the present, which leads to think that the way to understand the formation of hydrogen as today it is accepted, it is reasonably true, but to some extent and that is not explained at all, because that way already described to interpret the dimensions; and as really it generated the isotope deuterium (Primordial nucleosynthesis), because no star was not involved in the shaping of that isotope and that time believed it was enough to render in actual amounts observed and measured in the universe seems It is just before that would reduce the need to transform conditions of protium to deuterium, and also why there is more matter than antimatter in the universe (Baryogenesis).

But considering that protios each dimension are unique and could not be created heavier elements from deuterium, that if they have neutron, because this isotope could not be converted into the amounts currently due heavier elements precisely , to the amount of same in the universe and as accepted in helium (which is the same for that one deuterium and tritium out of stars), or if applicable, as deuterium is highly energy is created, this would cause the fastest envejecimieto universe, precisely because of the little life that have that isotope to generate heavier material; but returning to protium, then the question remains as to use the accepted process of beta decay and e-nesting to understand that two protio tie together their two particles, neutralize each other, are nested in the heart of two other atoms more which just merged, and together these four tie, they become helium; if this proposal is accepted, although this proved mathematically, clearly it tells us that matter, in the case of helium, have connotations of using hydrogen for there to "create" helium, instead of transforming hydrogen into helium.

Instead we would propose the parallel universes of matter and antimatter, which also solve this, other concepts, such as understanding that matter if you had a annihilation by the interaction of the two types of masses, but is necessary for the expansion of the universe itself (again seems manipulation, rather than a random event, is not it?).

And I propose this:

The best way to understand the formation of matter is to think directly in nature and to transform it, because if the universe has always had the same amount of matter when the main explosion the Big Bang, as it is accepted, then the fourth dimension as well, and these should include all the subatomic particles known today and discover missing, because they are there, just that we need to find them, and I mean subatomic particles; then you have to place them in their respective dimensions only as burdens, valences and type of primordial forces, which we remember not lead to understanding this behavior, the same dual nature of matter, which must be from the creation of the universe, that division and origin of particles by size, thus giving a new way of understanding and include the dimensions, and in that grouping or segregation according to their characteristics.

Then, again heuristic reasoning should miss another dimension, not only to locate features neutral particles, as is the neutron and antineutron most everything with these neutral characteristics (Bariones in different dimensions and universes), which logically should not be in the third and fourth dimensions, as being the neutron and antineutron in their respective dimensions, third and fourth, this would prevent protios of their dimensions, be maintained in its primary state, because everything obviously be transformed in deuterium, helium and some oxygen as (maybe part of that transformation, tritium indirectly) know, these isotopes can not form the heavier elements as we know, due to their same loads and above all its valences electronic; since have formed the other elements from this isotope, the elements as we know them would not be such, perhaps it had not been able to go far in forming heavier elements (much less helium because they have not found helium stars main fissionable fuel); do not really know, but perhaps we would not be trying to understand the universe as we do today, mainly because of its instability and high energy capacity to become as already mentioned, or what is the same, the universe would already be in the process of completion, and the entropy of the possible universe it would be very, very advanced, even with antimatter and neutral elements of the other dimensions or universes to hold it steady, because they are their natural counterparts, and perhaps would happen exactly the same (Again, very complex to chance, at least for me).

In addition, but also base ourselves on the stars alone, How knows the stars who have to use four hydrogen bind and do what he does, as if by magic and transformed into helium? If this were true, we would be talking about human manipulation as such, that is precisely what we seek with deuterium and tritium, but is only an analogy, since even that podium we hold a stable form of merger. It does not work well in nature
It's easier if we place nature neutral particles in another dimension, more superior, as the fifth, and as the dimensions are subject, it is easy to place them there.

Two universes (although would bear three universes), three dimensions, but together in the subatomic universe and cosmological universe, intertwined in strange way, but recognizable and understandable.

The dimensions superior to ours called hyperspace, for obvious reasons, besides giving all those features intuitively already granted by speculative science (science fiction).

And continuing with the beginning of the universe or universes, where I concluded that the only kind of matter that could be "created" (really mortifies, that created) with the feature that has subatomic particles according to their intrinsic nature, and without intervene neutral particle characteristics, for obvious reasons, are the protios and anti protios namely as to include antimatter in the equation, that's the only way the matter could in practical terms be created, so , the above reasoning, and thinking about the way in which the universe is structured now, with the proportions of ordinary matter, interstellar gas, dark matter and dark energy, the result gives me think that in the early universe, there was one Big Bang, at least we should have two more.

But if we move to a concept of how the sub particles are actually structured, and how they know they also have different internal loads and valences, which lead them to an internal balance to conform the sub specific particles, and I mean the Strong Electromagnetic Force and mainly, besides quarks and leptons to give an example, then you should have by dint of thinking as originally created, if any apparent help, and if masses assigned to the loads and valences that each one of them, as if they knew they would be before birth or created spontaneously, what would be their role in the internal structure of certain sub particle, this for me has to be developed in the beginning where every feature that has sub components of the particles it must be generated (spontaneously?), each of these characteristics for a big bang intrinsic to each structure in particular, and for obvious multiple reasons Big Bangs, creating these original bursts, and this tiny instate it begins to expand dimensional and four-dimensional universe an amalgamation of those forces, loads and valences to give each sub intrinsic particle characteristics, and these in turn more specific sub amalgamating particles increasingly heavy increasingly becoming more and more massive, reaching the critical point and the necessary conditions for the two major Grand Big Bangs.

The particles known today that made the original courtyards of both worlds, and upon reaching a point where there was so much mass in both (or three final universes?) Universes intertwined, that annihilation was the natural result between those two primeval universe, or the final blast, which begins the expansion of our dimension and the fourth dimension.
If we include the fifth dimension, which makes its appearance a few moments after the facing of the two universes of matter and antimatter, which is created exactly like the other two lower, but much less quantity of matter, perhaps only 1% for every 10% of annihilation of matter, then it must be by force, a universe that arises from the interaction of the other two, but long enough to avoid total annihilation of both worlds, but in perfect balance so that not avoided that mutual annihilation but enough to stop because there is no contract entered into two opposing universes materials, overshadowed by the sub neutral particles if the latter were created at the same time, it would not have initiated the expansion of the universe and would continue in its original state or to speak: Paused.

Or if the number of neutral particles were coarse, but less so than the conforming of the materials mentioned it would be the most unstable isotopes or highly energetic to sustain nuclear fusion of billions of years.

Another explanation of why must it be that way the early universe, is that if we think that the matter was the same as antimatter, and had enough neutral particles, say less than half of the total for each universe, would in practical terms sum of neutral matter universe assigned to each sub total for either sub universes, which negate one of the two in the process or simply extinguished.

If there were more matter of the that today there are in universal day (remember that stuff to my view the time is the same anywhere in the universe, absolute time), maybe life could not be developed in any side of the universe because it would be like living close to vast amounts of stellar radiation and especially the cosmic, which probably preclude any life.

Then would be as follows:

Third Dimension: Total Ordinary matter -> Creation of all sub atomic particles of corpuscular nature, which agglomerate as their loads and valences to form the primordial hydrogen.

Fourth Dimension: Antimatter Total -> Creation of all sub atomic particles wave nature, which agglomerate as their loads and valences to form the anti primordial hydrogen.

Fifth Dimension: Total Neutral Matter -> Creation of all sub atomic particles neutral nature, but in much smaller quantities, as are residual aspects of disintegration returned to her after the creation of protium and antiprotio original state bodies; but inversely proportional to the stabilization of the residual or surplus material of all final burst of big bangs that all sub particles created, integrated consecutively at each phase in the previous two progression mutual annihilation, but enough to go stabilizing and degrading the temperature and accelerate expansion, leaving the field that currently exists, which has also transformed along the expansion, for obvious reasons of cross-dimensional interaction of mass, or matter-antimatter overlapping and neutral matter. (Now I included three overlapping) in the fifth dimension Probably most of the waste materials of sub-dimensions, is recorded electronically and cumulatively.

Three Universes = Three Dimensions, interacting to transform the essential elements for even the most complex structures in the universe.

And clarified that although the neutral elements also could be created synchronously with the two smaller dimensions, this would create another paradox, perhaps unnecessarily, of because the same amount of primordial matter or protios was not created to sub particles neutral, but the answer ceo and was included in the previous review.

The expansion of the universe, dark matter and dark energy, a reasoned explanation.

But I have a more complete about dark energy and dark matter theory but also just describe more broadly what had been said the basic shape of the protios and anti protios, which is basic to set my theory, which I share, because it is based on the concept that matter is created in different presentations, which implies that had various events or multiple big bangs, and not all the stuff together and think and one pop, and it is this:

As I mentioned, the universe was created by several or many big bangs and not by one, in addition to the same concept, you can get a reasonable short of what is for me an explanation, dark matter and dark energy.

If we go back to beginning of the universe, where I concluded that the only kind of material that could be "created" (really mortifies, that created) with the feature that has subatomic particles according to their intrinsic nature, and not to intervene particles neutral characteristics, for obvious reasons, are the protios and antiprotios namely as to include antimatter in the equation, that's the only way the matter could in practical terms be created, so that the above reasoning and thinking about how the universe is structured now, with the proportions of ordinary matter, interstellar gas, dark matter and dark energy, the result gives me think that in the early universe, not a single Big Bang, by we must have at least two more.

And remembering some data, but to relate to this topic:

But if we move to a concept of how the sub particles are actually structured, and how they know they also have different internal loads and valences, which lead them to an internal balance to conform the sub specific particles, and I mean the Strong Electromagnetic Force and mainly, besides quarks and leptons to give an example, then you should have by dint of thinking as originally created, if any apparent help, and if masses assigned to the loads and valences that each one of them, as if they knew they would be before birth or created spontaneously, what would be their role in the internal structure of certain sub particle, this for me has to be developed in the beginning where every feature that has sub components of the particles it must be generated (spontaneously?), each of these characteristics for a big bang intrinsic to each structure in particular, and for obvious multiple reasons Big Bangs, creating these original bursts, and this tiny instate it begins to expand three-dimensional and four-dimensional universes an amalgamation of those forces, loads and valences to give intrinsic to each sub particle characteristics, and these in turn sub amalgamating more specific particles, increasingly heavy, increasingly gaining more ground, reaching known today they make up original protios of both worlds, and reach a point where there was so much mass that annihilation was the natural result between those two primeval universe, or the final blast, which begins the expansion of our dimension and also the fourth dimension, but if we include the fifth dimension, created exactly like the other two lower, then it must be by force, a universe originating from the interaction of the other two, but long enough to avoid annihilation total of both worlds, but as in perfect balance, not to prevent this mutual annihilation enough, since there is no contract entered into two opposing universes materials, overshadowed by the sub neutral particles if it had been created at the same time and in a proportional to the amount of the two materials, these would not have initiated the expansion of the universe and would continue in its original state or to speak: Paused.


In our universe, we know more or less dark energy occupies between 70% or more of its apparent totality, or what has been achieved to be measured, and that dark matter is something like 23% or a little more and that ordinary matter is just 5% or more, and that ordinary matter, neutrons are the least integrated atomic particles, as you know, because of the current matter in the universe, more than 4% is interstellar dust and most is protium, obviously, the rest are the stars and any group thereof, and the neutron only to protios integrates during nuclear fusion occurring in stars, it is so far it actually involved in the formation of the heavier elements, so that their nature would seem to be a form of "natural" control the transformation of matter itself. Deuterium is transformed by the interaction of neutrons barely created during the annihilation of matter and antimatter, and that too can be heuristically understand why their scarcity in the universe; for the good of the universe, but talk about the fourth dimension, maybe it's just the opposite, but first I must try to explain the current distribution of the formation of our universe.

During the almost perfect annihilation of matter and antimatter, the total mass was understandably created a 100% in both worlds, the next moment the critical mass for mutual interaction and followed annihilation of counterparties is completed, most of the matter of our universe, launch the final burst of speaking scientists, I say: the two Grand Big Bangs.

This generates the known details of how the universe began to expand, and its gradual evolution to universal today, which for obvious reasons, and reasonably dark energy is the current result of matter transformed into energy, result of that nearly perfect pop; as if it were perfect, the universe would have lasted only a moment, and let them understanding the total universe that brief time. So the conclusion of many, many Big Bangs.

Dark matter, then remains the residual remnant of the masses that generated the gravitational fields that currently have our universe, and which were already transformed into basic again or interacting with the dimensional barrier between the worlds elements, but already became hyper dimensional material, and it's just a form of wave collapse, but still generating very strong gravitational fields and inertial mass of our universe that pass through these roads and have a higher concentration by inter dimensional volume, as if he were still in our dimension.

This perhaps could lead to think that, then part of the currently existing matter, follow that same pattern, and it should be, since apparently all that would get dark must have been ordinary matter, only the cumulative increases in gravitational fields or inertial, have pushed the hyperspace. This I leave here, as I head is hurting, although reading this cares a damn. But advance that if ordinary matter has its opposite in the antimatter, everything I just explained the composition of our universe, has its counterpart, of course, balance is the basis of the materials of the Super Universe (So far I have included only three Parallel universes = Third Dimension, Fourth Dimension Fifth Dimension), but it is easier to determine what follows.

(Parenthesis to explain a little theory of the possible age of the Universes)

Adding a concept regarding the age of the universe, and thinking that if your age is made based on certain behaviors of some sort of celestial bodies, and also has been used to establish both astronomical distances and apparent age of some of these bodies and even the age of the universe, can be set based on that from the Great Big Bangs (according to my theory), this type of constellations only function as a support for measuring (and I'll be insistent) geometrically distances and apparent ages to closer to what it is trying to assess all.

Cepheids are such celestial bodies that are used for that purpose, even today and are as points of connection or relative to triangulate the position of known bodies as those objects, the new object you want mesurar and position Apparent solar system or the Earth itself, so that way we can radially establish the determinant of absolute luminescence as a method to determine distances, lengths and age therefore apparent of those bodies, or even to the farthest known universe border.

But this expansion precisely determined with this method is apparently insufficient because if we consider the matter also affects transdimensional and continues to generate huge gravitational fields, and that together we may assume that is 25% is dark or different matter, and which is part of the trans-field system, and probably began to agglomerate long before the formation of galaxies, because the rate of expansion in the beginning was probably at a speed close to that of light, which caused a turn the natural effect of transposition of materials, has been holding a certain way the universe's expansion into thinking that the universe is old that has now calculated it, but if we make a measurement system materials, and instead of its luminescence, we first used the gravitational fields to differentiate the effect of matter in space-time, we would realize that together form interdimensinales fields with this matter in three basic universes (basic for me), the difference is missing include in the age of the universe-dimensional, and that difference is what leaves us appreciate the true scope of the current expansion itself, in addition to the ignorance of many subatomic particles (both in its organization and quantity) difficult the thought of some other particle model this avoiding to see the true interstellar distances. What if, once perfected how to measure the universe, on the border of it, we realize that aside and out of that expansion, there are more galaxies? Then the universe is 15,000,000,000 years, perhaps has more than 22,000,000,000 only to give a figure.

Obviously this would generate a paradox, in which universes can not be younger than newly detected celestial bodies, right ?, but easily answered with the above and below.

With this trying to say that if there is this universe, maybe there are more universes that began before this, and that dark matter and dark energy, are also manifest consequence of this apparent understanding or what it really show measuring range and you only see a small part of the whole itself, or to not be so demanding, a hundredth of the way they are structured all dimensions (making accounts could be many based on the deduction only in our system of universes-dimensional bases of matter (our local universe) could be more than 5), or seen another way, we should be pushing or following other older universes than ours, so it is more logical Big Bngs that is the way the matter and time are made measurable and tangible, obtaining energy from waste other universes, such as smaller form make the clusters of galaxies and clusters and intergalactic dust clouds to form the galaxies, stars and planets in our universe, so that residual energy to compress and re-transformed into new Big Bangs, who as I said are many at the beginning of each universe, thus, could be more universes, as the energies wastewater would become part of this new transformation of energy into matter.

But this would require that the residual energy of each universe were compressed again somehow, but as shown, dark energy, the universe is expanding, contrary to what I suggest.

Maybe that's what it takes, a major expansion for the residual energy and antimatter counterpart, may at some point in its evolution and expansion, turning to face, perhaps compressed into implosion that's facing and start another new expansion, creating another universe behind us, is only a good idea.

But it is also the explanation for the creation of conditions to transform them into materials (matter, antimatter and neutral matter) since its inception energies, which generates multiple big bangs by type of energy, amalgamate and create no baryons and baryons , is joined by gravitation until there is enough matter in the universe both starting the two Big Bangs and what follows, it had explained earlier.

Clarifying, I mention our universe, because invariably hiperdimensiones part of the existence of our material as part of ordinary matter or 3D or 4D and other subtle matter (antimatter)

Constant Speed of Light.

Now I try to explain to my understanding that is what gives consistency to the speed of light, which as known in a property of matter in their behavior both particle and wave, since photons are themselves how that matter is constantly changing shows us its endless evolution, and that photons are part of that changing loads and valences, which give us as a result of their interactions, remnants of the forces that govern the subatomic universe, specifically the electromagnetic force, plus it is considered to photons as massless particles moving from one place to another without rest, and also possibly are what give in pacticos terms, interaction with the primary fields of the fundamental forces matter for amalgamating the matter or mass (of a non-baryonic a baryon state).

If we start at the macro universe, we can say that by astronomical observations, we provide reasonable data to come up with a good way to understand the concept and place it properly in its real concept.

-> The redshift of the most distant galaxy clusters us confirm described about time and its real understanding, and know that time is the same for the whole universe, and in that respect is not on item of view of an observer, as you time it takes the farthest in the expansion of the universe border, is the same time we have in the evolution of matter from which we are formed, what it means in practical terms that our mass constitution , it is the same age the universe, and that understanding must calculate the actual time that we subatomic implicit in our constitution.

Then, the observations of the redshifts of the galaxies showing the above and reaching the constant or speed of light, dimension change at some point, and just have to understand how they should be appreciated, perhaps partIt would be "dark" matter, part transdimensional matter.

From the above we can also deduce that this is the barrier of the speed of light because it is the natural limit for the substance in our dimension.

Then we can say that with a good foundation of reasoning, what gives it its consistency is itself are the two dimensions, the third and fourth specific, but thinking about the concept of two universes or two dimensions, taking in mind the matter of neutral qualities that explain, are the fifth dimension (this concept will explain better a little more widely, perhaps at the end, if not forget it), then we must locate the fifth dimension somewhere in that record and all that comes to mind is that the interaction of the fifth dimension with sub dimensions is precisely the interaction aspects of the creation of matter from which begin to emit photons, is the time the fifth dimension which interacts with the materials of sub-dimensions, from the same big bang, but not at the level of the merger, but for the expansion itself, because without that intervention in both dimensions, they annihilate each other and totally , although "escape" some antimatter in our dimension and vice versa, but this will give you first consistency to the speed at which matter behaves, without one exceeds the other, being in a constant speed evolutionary light as subjects, or what is the same, was not always the same speed, but has always maintained its quantum interaction in the two parallel universes, to give it its "record" apparent, but as I mentioned, may have been several different values ​​or change at constant along the dimensional evolution. Today is about 300,000 km / s.

If time, the theory of relativity, is what you seen and measured from different points on inertial modules, and considering the mental exercise, is that one is at rest and the other moving to the speed of light, and still direct the traveling at the speed of light, the time for him no elapsed since as the barrier of the speed of light is the limit that is the subject of our dimension its evolution and transformation, then to match that constant, matter that equals this limit must undergo a dimensional change, as shown by the wave behavior of antimatter, and not a mass increase to infinity, as already mentioned, due that inertial system that would accelerate this mass to the speed of light, but making a retrospect of what we are, or the stuff of which we are made, is moving or has a close rate at the constant the speed of light, and analyzing that if we matter or mass and we can not get too far, literally speaking, that way it evolves it, and we have an increase in mass, and the same galaxies at the ends of the universe, also confirm, then only the point at rest relative vera an apparent increase of mass opposite to the direction or path of the other moving point relative to the speed of light direction, and perhaps even in their measurements, we resulting a "real" increase in mass in their calculations, but that because to mathematically derive the constant speed of light, this is a result that gives a limit function, which as we know, is a division in which range it has to infinity, and that is correct and is checked again and again, but as I said, it works in a geometric concept; but if we substitute the values ​​for concepts of an analysis of matter or mass, these alone will result in changes Corpuscular the wave behavior, this is the same because of the nature of the superposition of the materials, for example, if Einstein's equation :, we substitute the variable m, for a complex shape, such as:

EΨ=〖((+m〗_( ↓)+(-m↑)j))c^2

→∁ = √(EΨ/〖(〖(+m〗_( ↓))〖dΨ〗^2/〖di〗^2 ((-m↑Ψ)j))〗^ ) → = where m ↓ is the mass is converted into energy (corpuscular) and m ↑ is the mass begins to prevail or persists and is in the form wave (antimatter), due to the dimensional change, and in which time does not intervene, since the interval (v ^ 2) is zero; and this same example, one can derive the growing mass, it would be antimatter.

But said it is just an example, I know that is wrong in mathematical terms because I put or integrate the differential equation concept that, in addition to integrating the differentially time interval, I just wanted to set an example in this regard, as we know use of complex numbers it is very useful in quantum mechanics, especially.

And as time in the fourth dimension is the space itself, then to match the speed of light, any body of third dimension, it passes corpuscular behavior wave, where time was equaled to the same matter at the subatomic level then the time is zero, there is no past and no future, only the present, and that this is the time-space, and that space is any direction, and that direction is the same antimatter universe.

Then the fourth dimension is timeless feature, but not because there is not time, on the contrary, is because and turned tangible not only measurable, because of their behavior Overlay Space-Time, Time-Space, and recursively we can conclude that it is a reasonable way to understand why light tends to have a barrier or constant speed in their behavior.

The fourth and third dimensions are subdomains.

Hyperspace is where time and distance do not matter, and that time is only one place and that place can be anywhere in the universe.

Gravitation = Inertia, a way to understand it.

If we could invest or inversely controlling the gravitational forces exerted by all bodies with mass in the universe, we could generate inertial modules equal to zero.

Or what is the same: Anti Inertial Force  =  Anti Gravity Force.

Meaning: Any mass of our Universe-Dimension literally have the ability to generate inertial fields equal to zero, and best of all, it is included in the anti gravitational analogy module and free.

This would seem to be anything too out of place, but if you know that gravity is equal to the inertial force, this is the most logical thinking, right?

Also all this gives way gravitation directly involved in the behavior of matter and its distribution in the universe as we pretty much figured, remember, this is different in its explanation, but with data already established by the science.

So it's more or less like this:

Gravitational and inertial forces are equivalent or the same, since they confirm galaxies explained above in addition to the constant speed of light, and that the same response understanding is because the farther away galaxies appear and increase its speed to about constant, and it is because of those gravitational or inertial pulls exerted by the gravitational fields generated by all bodies with mass throughout the universe as a whole (including the interaction of matter and antimatter, and even of matter odd or dark) and in the path of reaching such close or equal to the speed of light.

But better clarify this:

Gravitation is the result manifested curvature induced in the space of a body with mass.

The material for the space are dimensions that occupies a body mass in the space-time, and full of body mass of a gravitational system.

The third dimension is the reality of an inertial gravitational system or spacetime.

Gravitation is a characteristic property of space due to the presence of matter; so that gravity is a consequence of the spatial curvature.

And this gives as data that gravitation and inertia are equivalent.

In an inertial system, inertia is one of the physical characteristics of the mass, which implies the existence of a gravitational system as an agglomeration of gravitation in question occurs and if agglomerated mass and force applied, presents the inertial field.

When an inertial mass gravity, to be accelerating at the speed of light, basically it is transformed into energy (E = m * c ^ 2) Corpuscular Structure vibrant Mass = high frequency but low energy level; Wave energy transformation = mass vibration at high frequency and high energy level.

Space without gravitational influences is flat and straight, and only deforms when gravitational masses act together in space.

In a spatial curvature, generating gravity affects the mass and time and is the result of the sum of these distortions or twisting curves and masses containing space, it is how to generate a path formed by the planetary bodies or stellar, as water runs through a slope and its various distortions in the way, which forced him to go that route, that is, any celestial body is following a curved path imposed by the gravitational forces of where you are.

Those same gravitational forces can accelerate the celestial close or equal to the speed of light bodies, so that these bodies change their dimension, literally would go into hyperspace, because these form the space or parallel universe (Space-Time or Third Dimension; Time-Space or Fourth Dimension), you must only remember that in hyperspace has therefore govern other matter that is the antimatter, and if you keep this in your mind will see it is a natural way to balance both dimensions, of course including Matter fifth dimension roughly explained, because it is what gives neutral to lower dimensions (can not measure the fourth dimension, since we have no physical elements of antimatter for them, but you know the matter is the behavior Corpuscular- wave, with this we can deduce that the primordial forces currently known and described in the art, are not enough to explain the phenomenon as a whole, so it must include the force of nature derived from the hyper-dimensional).

The gravity of the moment I leave here. But after dwell on the concept.

More or complement this.

And back to the stars, you can also deduce that the fusion in stars is a dimensional door, but only the fifth dimension and from their respective dimension.

With this view of the scale, the paradoxes of quantum mechanics known, are fully understood and therefore explained, but in the process there were two more, but one not described, only time.

What would show, it is how we can measure a dimension that is superior to ours, for example the fourth, and even if it has been obtained regarding this dimension, have to know how best to measure to pass it to our dimension, not to alter universes in the amount of material that must be in both, but perhaps it is mere understanding of how to transform these two matters once they annihilate each other, this being a return to the still unknown subatomic particles, which kick on integrate inventory of knowledge of the subatomic universe, this disintegration or transformation due to the mutual annihilation of materials, or what I say is do not exist, only partial annihilation and to the separation that would eg accelerator massive particles, taking this as an analogy of what would result from the meeting of the two types of matter.

From this we can deduce that it can not include a body of a fourth dimension in the third, because the outcome is known beforehand, on the other hand, should be the correct way to interpret the dimensions, so the elusive form of antimatter and their data were limited presence in our universe, perceptible only deductively or the paradoxes of quantum mechanics so often mentioned, but that does not leave out the issue of correct interpretation.

But inversely and this in turn multiplied by the square of the speed of light, the presence of the mass of the third dimension in the fourth, or what is the same, the area of third dimension can have more presence the hyper-dimensional longer, due to a stronger interaction in terms of being more similar dimensions, the interaction of the fifth dimension in the fourth, but if this is more speculative, but would make more sense for the appearance of timelessness the material in these dimensions and as I mentioned above, this suggests that the best way to move material from our dimension to other parts of the universe is the fifth dimension, but using the two hiperdimensiones, then I think it is easy to traveling in the fourth dimension which also belongs to our bodies, especially our reasoning.

What makes us think of three universes and not two, or what is the same two Hyper parallel to our universes, each with its respective dimensionality, which should be formed by the presence of the two subjects in the third parallel universe more the nature of the neutral, this would represent the two sub universes, without any apparent problem, since they would only electronic or representations of subatomic matter, in that neutral universe, as I believe, is where it really all matter forms subdimensional heavy, but at speeds achieved that, logically is imperceptible to our dimension, again for obvious reasons; and that is where matter and antimatter could travel without any problem through the universe, so to speak, we would be elements of electronic or holographic representation, just to give shape to the concept, or maybe it should be, and even if we wanted to see us in that more geometric concept, and would seem to be obvious, being that form of representation described is always stuff first because our bodies and vehicles transported that way would, of course if we represent in a computer everything, if we can appreciate and describe their geometric perfection for that purpose; which in part he had already mentioned but had not described in more detail, as I do now.

Returning to the concept of duality wave-particle of matter in our universe-Dimension, as I mentioned, it is easier to describe if we appreciate it primarily as matter, then called wave collapse, would on an understanding only half but after we discussed the concept of multiple universes (multi-universes), and the overlapping of matter and antimatter, is only included in the physical and mathematical concepts, the look-up to replace or change anything that does not include both materials, but obviously, it follows that the wave collapse would not occur even with the understanding that the inclusion of the two materials, that is clear, what you should understand is that we need team efficient enough or fast enough, as to achieve the precision required for such experiments, as it is, and an apology for using the word again, obvious that the collection of statistical data in quantum mechanics, it is difficult therefore concerned the subatomic universe that you want to extract data, and as a rule, and precisely because of the use of equipment of our three-dimensional universe, it is very difficult or sometimes impossible to obtain statistical data with the instruments used for this purpose, but these inclusions of the two materials and their respective higher dimensions, we can better understand the concepts of locality principle as both relativistic quantum mechanics, quantum entanglement, and the EPR Paradox

I had published something about it in previous years, but discard it, because once you better analyze what was understood and published so far, my understanding understand change as new ways of understanding the weather from our perspective, and in terms of our subatomic and cosmological fact that you got there time if it can be absolute, and that in practical terms, it can also be relativistic, according to human needs in the concept of preferential use.

What I deduced at that time, redundant, and without even being student of physics or mathematics, thought that the problem of the interpretation of wave collapse was due only to a human error of assessment as to the measurements, as the equipment they used was not fast enough or efficient to make correct measurements because it is team regular or three dimensional material and a combination of computer-measurement, was the collapsing the wave function itself, because the team is one matter, and that for me is watching the wave collapse, was a misinterpretation of the human point of view because of our need, we can say almost genetic, wanting to explain everything with geometric bases, and not appreciated the most representative of which is the nature, the duality itself, but of materials or Matter-Antimatter, Corpuscular-Wave.

I proposed, and that told her to a particle physicist, but not take much attention to me for obvious reasons (As I will do case if I am not even a physics student), but he mentioned that if a team that could be used efficiently get the data of the experiment, the wave collapse probably would not stand and the same for the two-slit experiment. I suggested using something that was closest to the displacement of the speed of light, as when approaching the speed of measurement, the dimensional border, should be more representative of the wave function data, and avoiding the most of that collapse ; for example, video calls hyper-fast camera that can take millions of frames per second, which was the only closer, I knew, the type of equipment required for such statistical events. But as I mentioned, I do not take seriously.

Basically I figured that, being more explicit:

This implies that a measure requires the measurement equipment evolve irreversibly towards the measurement result. If in the process of measurement equipment used not reach an irreversible end state, or so to speak, it turns off at the time of obtaining the required extent, an observer can not claim that the action has taken place because for him the whole system electromechanical + system, equipment should behave as a quantum system in a set state. You can only say that the measurement has taken place when the electromechanical equipment (for which has been designed) irreversibly passes a definite, complete state, that does not change and corresponding sided with the state of the system being measured.

During the measurement process both the system measured as the measuring equipment evolve as accepted, but the measurement system (equipment used for measurements) must be sufficiently complex that its dynamics is dominated by quantum statistics and that it guide us to an irreversible process that amplifies its coupling with the measured system and allow the results of the measurements are recorded for observation and analysis.

Basically we wave collapse "warns" so recognizable that we can not get data from your behavior, or that we can not "touch", only we can see. But this would have been easily deduced if we consider the third dimension as many times as I have said, MATTER, and for that same deduction turning our reasoning to the ANTIMATTER.

A brief logic description of the Time.

Good to conclude and make a mental break, as I aturdí a little (a lot), and leaving open several concepts that I said I would explain more thoroughly, as I leave for another ocasión.y then I focus on a final concept time, and you can be interpreted in this way:

In practical terms, the time is:

t^´= | ti/(sqroot/(1-(v^2/c^2))) 

in terms of the general theory of relativity, or as humans we describe and appreciate the time and its concept, which basically perceive intervals, which are related to our perception of the present.

But in terms of absolute universal evolution of matter: ∆T^´= |T_p|= C^2  

Where v ^ 2 (Interval) is zero; since there are no intervals, and this time is actually reflected in the subatomic universe and also in the border of the universe, since it is on that border where cosmological can say that that's only where there is no real time dilation, in our human perspective, but we must include us in the subatomic universe, of which we are part.

Also all this we can include a deduction, that while it is merely heuristic, is also likely to be that way, and I mean that the EPR paradox It is a way in which time acts on the principle of locality, as in the higher dimensions, time, demonstrably mathematically, has a value of zero after the material changes dimension (due to gravitational tugs or inertial exercised by the same total mass that is the universe (ordinary and dark matter) and three-dimensionally and transdimencionalmente, has a certain amount, which acts creating these gravitational fields or inertial and vibrational frequency fields, changing a wave corpuscle, that matter I really do not disappear, only change frequency, and would not be perceived by our instruments should be observed, or what is the same, only have a dimensional change, but because of its natural characteristics, would have completed its function as a three-dimensional material, transformed into energy by the interaction with matter of fourth dimension, that means its counterpart in the fourth dimension would also create antimatter annihilation, but as I mentioned before, not in a total annihilation, but that would decompose into its elementary particles perhaps to return to ordinara transformed into matter and antimatter again for a permanent process of creation-destruction or loop, to obey laws governing the behavior of these particles in the formation of matter; Therefore we can understand that the matter continues to exist, including us, have a counterpart in the antimatter, specifying only from the point of view of the concept of the EPR paradox, because instead of a particle, just to say something for example from our own body, it is synchronized completely or spin with another in the middle reaches of the universe, it is better to think that is synchronized with its antimatter counterpart, and that that concept is not needed to understand the time variable that these particles interact in a uniquely appreciative means our timeless dimension to the fourth dimension particle, so that the distances to the hyper-dimensional particles are only part of which is the time in them zero.

With this, it should not exceed the speed of light, and the principle of locality continues. Quantum entanglement is also understood by the inclusion of the subjects of the three-dimensional universes or description.

I think that's all for now, but there is always more.

(Note: We must understand that we must analyze where they come from the fundamental forces that develop the field, say, to the Higgs boson, always we discover how they work, but apparently our scientists do not want to know where they come from all these intrinsic characteristics of regulating and governing forces shaping the subatomic particles of the three kinds of matter, right? This is clearly a conscious manipulation of no love each put in existential dilemmas, which I think is very unfair since they always find a way to deny the existence of God, but do not rely on what I described, there is a good generation of ideas that would put into question the nonexistence of God, because they have no other way to explain it, and to say that all these fundamental forces of matter They were "spontaneously created" would mean that they were created by some unknown power or magic level, and from something that did not exist before that energy that came from nowhere, but it was. I think now if you are in trouble unbelievers, but only from the point of view of their beliefs or no beliefs rather, but they can always follow the yellow brick road of wonderland, because if the spontaneous creation is induced matter, is like following the yellow brick road, and curiously They wanted even without it, would lead unequivocally to what we do not want to think, but from the long way, and at some point will have to wake up, the reason should prevail, right? )

(From the parenthesis: Invariably all matter had a beginning, not self-created, is not spontaneous; all energies of the coming from the matter, due for use of reason, have an origin, and there is no more than a creator, which is God, whether they want to accept it or not, anyway, that also will heals the humanity in the superior dimensions, egocentrism and vanity dimensions, but that I leave, as always, free will, a divine gift from God for all of us, in adittion to the intelligence and reasoning.)

(God gives us free will to decide whether we think of it, or forget it and move the way we want to choose as a solution to our existential dilemmas) :)

(Because denying the possibility of a Divine Intelligence, when clearly, that tells us the facts, since knowledge and description of the universe, we consistently take in that direction.)

Israel Sánchez Ortiz

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